Thursday, June 20, 2013

Get Fresh paint From Fabric

Get Paint Out of Fabric

Even the most careful painter sometimes splatters paint onto a fabric-covered couch or a favorite pair of jeans. Luckily, it is possible to remove the paint, even if you don't find the stain until it has dried. Paint is either oil-based or water-based (latex), so the steps for removing the stain differ, depending on which type of paint has stained the fabric.


1. Use a butter knife to scrape off as much of the paint as you can. This goes for both types of paint. You could use a razor blade, but be careful not to damage the fabric.

2. Soften the stain. If it is oil-based, use a paint thinner to soften the stain before proceeding to the next step. Latex paint stains do not need to be softened.

3. Soak the stain in warm water, if it is latex-based paint. Hold it under warm, running water. If the stain is on a piece of furniture, saturate it in warm water, using a cloth or sponge. For oil-based paint, first blot the stain with cool water, then rinse it with cool water. Do not let either type of paint stain dry before you complete the next step.

4. Mix together a combination of liquid dishwashing soap with equal parts warm water. Set aside. Blot the oil-based stain with a bit of turpentine. Saturate both types of stains with the dishwashing soap and water combination. For best results, let it sit overnight.

5. Rinse the stains thoroughly. If some of the latex paint is still remaining, try dabbing it with acetone and rinsing again. If some of the oil-based paint is still remaining, treat it again with turpentine, then rinse.

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