Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fresh paint One Whitened

Mirrors are a beautiful addition to any home décor. However, mirrors can also be expensive. Flea markets and thrift stores sell mirrors at great prices but often these mirrors need a little bit of paint to make them look great in your home. By following a few simple steps, you can take an old or ugly mirror and turn it into a masterpiece by simply painting it white.


1. Tape the mirror. Use newspaper and painters tape the completely cover the mirror portion of the project. Be sure to completely cover the glass as sanding can scratch the glass. You will also want to avoid getting paint on the glass.

2. Sand the frame. Use a fine grit sandpaper to smooth the surface of the mirror frame. The stain on the mirror does not have to be completely removed, but the frame needs to be smoothed down.

3. Use a primer to block stains and prepare for painting. A latex primer is a great way to stop any pesky wood stains from bleeding through your paint job. Latex primer will also help your paint job to adhere. Be sure to brush the primer on with the grain of the wood. Allow the primer to dry before painting.

4. Paint the frame of your mirror with your chosen white color. Carefully brush the paint on. To further protect your frame, allow the paint to dry and apply a second and even a third coat before hanging in your home. When painting furniture and décor such as mirrors, use a semi-gloss or satin paint finish.

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