Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Create A Guy Cave In A Small Room

Create a personalized room in the home to enjoy masculine leisure time.

According to "Random House Dictionary," a man cave is "a male sanctuary, designed and furnished to accommodate the man's recreational activities, hobbies, etc." Find an unused, secluded room in the home and create a space where a man can retreat from the stress and responsibility of everyday life to unwind and recharge. The man cave is an ideal place for alone time as well as gathering with male friends to play video games, watch sporting events and hold movie marathons.


1. Paint the walls in the designated "man cave" room in a masculine color, such as a deep blue, brown or green to resemble a dark cave appearance. Avoid light, pastel and traditionally feminine colors. Use dark wood trim, baseboards and wooden blinds instead of white for a rugged look. Hang long, thick curtains on the windows, with "blackout" backing, to block out all light, for complete darkness in the room during daytime TV watching and video game sessions.

2. Furnish the man cave with a variety of comfortable furniture. Place a couch and a couple of small recliners in the room, in masculine designs such as leather or tweed. Store several folding chairs or a pile of large bean bags in the corner of the room for additional group seating when having friends over. Place a large entertainment center in the room, complete with a large TV, video game console and stereo for a variety of leisurely activities in the man cave. Arrange several small end tables around the room, near seating, to set food and drinks on and a large, sturdy coffee table in front of the couch for a place to put feet up. Add a small mini fridge in the room, so cold drinks and snacks are always on hand.

3. Decorate the walls to showcase a favorite interest or hobby. Fishing enthusiasts can hang pictures of favorite catches, fishing poles and fishing-theme artwork. Sports lovers will enjoy being surrounded by posters of sports players, framed jerseys and even enlarged printouts of every favorite team's current sports schedule displayed on a cork board for easy reference. Place a small dart board on the wall, if space permits, mounted on a large thin board to minimize damage to the wall. Install shelving in the room and display personal trophies, awards or a personal collection, such as comics, trading cards or action figures.

4. If the room features a closet, use this to store several manly leisure time activities, such as a small foosball table, mini pool table and board games like chess or checkers. Purchase smaller versions of these games, that you can set up on the coffee table for additional entertainment while watching sporting games or movies with friends.

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