Monday, July 22, 2013

Fresh paint An Atmospheric Oil Painting

Paint an Atmospheric Oil Painting

Oil paintings can be found hanging in many homes, offices and businesses worldwide. Oil is an excellent medium for capturing atmosphere, which refers to the elements of light, shadow and composition that make up the mood of a work of art. The texture and vibrant colors of oils lend themselves to compositions of this type. Here's how you can create an oil painting rich with atmosphere that will make a wonderful addition to any wall in the house.


1. Decide on the atmosphere you want to capture. Atmosphere is the mood you want to achieve in your oil painting. Use a combination of color and composition to create your atmosphere.

2. Use dark color combinations to create a dark atmosphere and bright colors to create a happy atmosphere, but don't forget the shades in between. You need to use contrasting colors to strengthen the overall color scheme you're looking for. If you're looking for a creepy atmosphere, use shades of black, brown and gray to create your shadows. Shadows are extremely important in a creepy atmospheric-style painting. Consider giving the shadows subtle shapes of their own, barely distinguishable to the naked eye. Bright colors are good for a happy atmosphere, but use contrasting darks to bring out the color. Oil paints are thick and creamy in texture, which makes them ideal for creating swirling hidden images in swirling shapes, or for creating amorphous shapes and patterns to enhance the central focus of a painting.

3. Give as much thought to composition as color. Capture a haunting atmosphere in your paintings with symbolic images and metaphors. Less is more when you want to capture desolation. Use broad, sloppy strokes of the brush to suggest disorganization. A log cabin in the woods at night with a candle burning in the window suggests an entirely different atmosphere than a rundown cabin in the woods, day or night, with busted windows and deteriorated wood.

4. Oils are expansive in their expressive range. Take advantage of that by blending. Use turpentine to blend thick, creamy designs into thinner pools of sweeping color, whether it's for a burst of fall foliage, a moon hidden behind clouds or a rain forest dripping with moisture. Oils lend themselves well to three-dimensional textures as well. Use a brush to dab at the paints and lift them away from the canvas to apply rougher textures and 3-dimensional realism.

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