Monday, May 27, 2013

Fresh paint The Ground To Appear Like Marble

If you want your floors to look like marble but you do not want to incur the large cost of ripping out your concrete floor and installing genuine marble, you can paint your floor in a faux marble finish to resemble the deep textures you get with a marble floor. The technique may take practice to perfect but it is possible to accomplish.


1. Clean the surface of your floor with hot soapy water and a mild detergent to clean any dirt or grease off the floor's surface. Dry the floor thoroughly before moving on.

2. Patch all small pinholes and cracks in the floor surface with concrete filler. Sand the filler flat with a sanding pad and seal the floor with concrete sealer so the concrete does not soak up the paint. Wait until the sealer dries before moving on.

3. Paint the floor with a concrete primer base coat and a paint roller. Make sure you apply a coat over the entire floor surface. Again, wait for the primer to dry before moving on.

4. Paint the floor with a dark acrylic base coat of paint. Apply the paint with a paint roller. The paint you use should be the darkest color. For example, if you want the look of a chocolate marble, use a dark brown paint. Allow the paint to dry before moving on.

5. Pour a lighter color paint into a paint tray. Wad up a plastic dropcloth and dip it into the paint tray. Dab the dropcloth against the painted surface of the floor and create a textured, swirled finish with the lighter colored paint that is consistent with a marbled tile. This is where your "artistic license" comes into play. Add as much texture and swirl as you want. Allow the paint to dry before moving on.

6. Open two or three contrasting colors of acrylic paint to create veining in your floor. Use the swirl marks you painted previously as a guide. Paint these contrasting veins onto the floor with a small detail brush using the swirl marks as your guide. Again, you can add as many veins as you want.

7. Seal all of the paint with a hard-coat finish like polyurethane. Polyurethane provided a highgloss finish, which makes the stone look highly polished.

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