Friday, May 31, 2013

Designing Ideas With Knotty Wood Paneling

Wood paneling also provides extra insulation.

Wood paneling has long been a staple of home interior decorating. Knotty wood paneling in particular gives a rustic look to any room. The paneling is often pine, which is stained to mimic a variety of different woods. Because knotty wood is natural and no two pieces are exactly alike, decorating with the paneling gives you an opportunity to create a room that is uniquely yours.

Horizontal Panels

Paneling is often vertical, with the planks going from top to bottom, but nothing stops you from using the planks horizontally on the wall. When you reach the end of the first row you will have to cut a plank piece to fit into the available space. Using the remainder of that cut piece to start the next row will ensure that the plank joints do not align from one row to the lower row. Continue to do this as you lay more rows and each one will have their joints aligned slightly differently from the one above and below it.


Wood can be overwhelming if it is throughout the entire room. An easy way to overcome this is to only set the planks with one vertical row in the style called wainscoting. The planks start at floor level and extend upward 3 or 4 feet, depending upon the plank length. Because the planks are the same length there is no cutting involved except to fit the corner planks in. Install a chair rail at the top of the paneling and paint or wallpaper above it.


Knotty wood paneling goes particularly well as an accent throughout the home. One wall in each room that is paneled gives the whole home a consistent theme without the expense of completely paneling each room. Use it to set off a wall where focus is directed, such as where the fireplace or entertainment center is, or behind a wet bar in the recreation room.


Painting knotty wood paneling opens up a variety of colors yet still gives the wood texture. This reduces the rustic look but provides more options for matching decor. Painting knotty wood is different since the knots can affect the paint color. Preparing the surface first with a coat of Zinnser Gardz or Kilz primer will seal away the knots and prevent discoloration of the paint.

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