Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fresh paint Cement Steps

Painting cement steps is a way to smarten up a dull-looking finish. The cement must be fully cured and free of any cracks. Typically, concrete or cement that has cured for over six months can receive paint. Any cracks must be properly filled with a cement patch material. It will be best to wait until dry weather is predicted, as some paints may take up to 24 hours to fully cure.


1. Clean the cement steps thoroughly to remove all grease, mud and dirt. Follow label directions and mix a cleaning solution in the plastic bucket with the TSP and water. Thoroughly clean the cement steps using the scrub brush. Rinse the steps to remove any leftover cleanser. Allow the steps to completely dry, generally overnight, before you apply any coating to the cement or concrete steps.

2. Read the primer's paint instructions for correct procedure on concrete or cement applications. Some manufacturers may require that a clear-colored sealer be applied before the primer.

3. Apply the primer to the cement surface using either the paintbrush or the paint roller. Work the primer into every crevice of the steps. The more thorough the coating of the primer, the better the results from the final paint application. Allow the primer to completely cure, usually overnight, before any topcoat paint application. Clean up any errant primer using a clean rag wetted with the paint thinner. Clean the paintbrushes following the instructions on the label of the paint thinner.

4. Ensure that the steps are completely dry and free from any moisture collected overnight. Apply the topcoat to the cement steps. Work the paint onto the surface with even brush strokes. Use the roller for all large surfaces. Clean up the area using the paint thinner and rag.

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