Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Very Best Colors For Concrete Floor Fresh paint

The best color to paint any part of your house--whether it is the walls, ceiling or floor--is the color you like best. However, sometimes even the most adventurous painter needs to consider practical applications. Floors take a great deal of abuse. In addition to using paints specifically designed for concrete floors, finding a color that works in these areas takes a bit of thought.

Hallways and High-Traffic Areas

Hallways are always tricky to paint, but it is possible to employ a practical deception with paint to make a too-narrow space seem wider or give a feeling of coziness when a room is too wide. However, the difficulties are exacerbated when the need to paint the floor is also involved. Choose colors that do not show dirt from high traffic, yet remain in harmony with the wall and ceiling colors. In these cases, dark neutrals are usually the best choice because they will hide the grime while contributing nothing that may change the illusion created through wall and ceiling colors. Grays, cool browns and charcoal are good choices that will not detract from any color scheme.

Kitchens and Bathrooms

While the kitchens and bathrooms are high-traffic areas in most homes, they benefit from lighter and warmer colors. Both rooms are spaces that require increased illumination. People need to see what they are doing when they shave, apply makeup or prepare meals. Light-absorbing dark colors on the floor are not ideal. Painting floors in brighter hues will reflect light from windows and electrical fixtures to add a cheerful glow to the room. Russet brown, brick red, olive green or deep gold will complement a warm color scheme, while medium gray, blue or sage works well with a cool palette.

Bedrooms and Dens

These rooms are restful and are not particularly high-traffic areas. They are usually places where a vibrant color scheme would be counterproductive. As such, they benefit from more subdued colors. Forest green, deep violet or royal blue are quiet and soothing colors in a room décor based on that end of the spectrum. If warmer peach, pink or yellow is the room scheme, try matching the primary color but deepening it several shades for the floor to give a cozy, wrapped-up feel to the room. A medium brown or green is nearly always a good choice in dens since those colors are echoed in the texture and colors of books--particularly old leather bound volumes--and they are relaxing as well.

Children's Playrooms and Recreational Areas

Bright cheery colors hold sway in these high-activity rooms. This is the place to have fun with vivid primary colors and patterns. Avoid using a lot of red, however. Red can aggravate hyperactivity in some children and sometimes leads to aggression. Incorporate it in patterns, such as a border stripe or small stenciled area, if it is a favorite color. A bright blue with yellow and red as accent colors is an energetic combination. If you prefer something less vibrant but still cheerful, go with pastels. Replace the bright blue with sky blue or light gray and accent in pink and pale yellow or mint green.

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