Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Remove Fresh paint Spatters From Brick Siding

Paint drips or spatters can land on bricks and cause marking.

Paint spatters on brick or brick siding might come from paint that dripped when painting windows, railings, awnings, or other house exterior surfaces. If allowed to dry, the spatters can become difficult to remove; in some cases removal is impossible.. Even if full removal isn't possible, you can reduce the appearance of the paint marks on the brick.


1. Locate the paint spatters and wipe them away and grime or dirt. If the paint spatter is still wet, wipe away the paint with a cloth or rag soaked in water. If the paint has dried proceed to Step 2.

2. Put on the latex or rubber gloves. Dip the rag into the graffiti remover or paint remover liquid if it is in a can and not a spray bottle. Otherwise spray a thin coat over the spatter. If using the rag, wipe enough of the liquid on the spatter to cover the spatter surface.

3. Allow the removal liquid to sit for a few minutes. Use the wire brush to carefully scrub the spatter off of the bricks. Do not scrub too forcefully or push the wire bristles into the grout between the bricks.

4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 as needed on any additional paint spatters. If the spatters cover a large area or are not coming off, proceed to Step 5.

5. Connect a power washer to your outside hose. Stand back a few feet from the paint spatter and firmly grasp the power washer handle. Pull the handle trigger to release the high pressure water aiming at the spatter. Move the water stream around on the spatter to remove the paint.

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