Monday, August 12, 2013

Choose The Best Fresh paint Colors To Have An Office

Choosing a color for your office, whether home or corporate, can be subjective depending on your personality, your likes and dislikes. But analyzing certain characteristics of the office and planning will make the process of choosing a color easier. It's important to consider different factors before choosing a color for your office. For instance, paint color can make a room look smaller, larger, warmer or cooler. Ultimately, though, what color you paint your office is a personal choice. Select colors you like.


1. Observe the size of the office. If you wish to make the room appear larger, choose white or lighter colors. A white ceiling also makes a room look bigger. If the space seems too large and cold, darker colors can make a room appear warmer.

2. Consider your personality when choosing a color for your home office or the environment you're trying to create for a corporate office. If you want to convey a feeling of energy and passion, choose warm colors from the color wheel: red to yellow-green. If you prefer a calming effect, choose cool colors: green to red-violet.

3. Determine what type of lighting your office will or does have. Incandescent bulbs give off a warmer glow than fluorescents or natural light. If your office has an abundance of natural light, bright colors might be too blinding.

4. Check if the office is visible from another room or rooms in your house. If it is, choose a color that maintains continuity with the house's color scheme. For a corporate office, you'll also want to maintain a cohesive color theme throughout the building, floor or suite.

5. Once you've narrowed down your choices, bring the chips into the office. You can also buy a small amount of paint (most paint stores will mix a sample) and either paint a sample board or paint a two-foot square area on one of the walls.

6. Observe the paint samples at different times of the day, with and without lights, depending on when you'll be using the office. Notice how the light affects the color.

7. Hold the paint samples against furniture, drapes, and other accessories to see if you like the color combinations.

8. If you don't want to commit to a certain color, choose white or neutral grays and beiges for the walls and ceiling. Then, if you wish, you can introduce color into your furnishings and accessories.

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