Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fresh paint Metal Wooden shutters

Bright paint livens up an old metal shutter.

Metal shutters are weather resistant, creating long-lasting accent features for your home. However, because metal shutters last for many years, you may find that they last longer than the design trend they were modeled after. If you want to update your metal shutters to match your current stylistic preferences, a new coat of paint might do the trick. With a little preparation and basic tools, even a first-time DIY homeowner can update old metal shutters.


1. Detach the shutters from your house. In many cases, a screwdriver is all you need to take down the shutters. In rare cases, you may need an adjustable wrench.

2. Scrape off any rust with a wire brush. Most metal shutters are made with non-rusting alloys. However, you may find that the alloy metal is only on the exterior and a cheaper metal was used underneath. On very old metal shutters, the top alloy wears down over time and the underlying metal gets exposed and oxidizes. You need to get rid of these rust deposits before painting.

3. Sand any rusted surfaces with 150-grit aluminum oxide sandpaper. After scraping off large rust deposits, use sandpaper to remove smaller layers of rust oxidization.

4. Clean the surface using soap, water and a rag.

5. Lay a protective canvas or plastic sheet across your lawn, garage floor or other well-ventilated workspace.

6. Place two sawhorses on the protective sheeting.

7. Spray the tops of the shutters with a metal primer. If the shutters were rusted, make sure the metal primer is labeled "rust-inhibitive." Rust-inhibitive spray primers cost a few dollars more per can, but the primer will keep your metal shutters in good condition for longer. Wait for the primer to dry.

8. Flip over the metal shutters and spray primer on their back sides.

9. Spray one side of the primed metal shutters with exterior-grade latex spray paint. Once this layer of paint dries, flip over the shutters.

10. Spray the other side with exterior latex paint.

11. Reattach the shutters after the paint dries.

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