Friday, August 23, 2013

Blend Interior Wall Fresh paint After Patching

Use a paintbrush specifically manufactured for use with water-based latex paints.

Most experienced do-it-yourselfers know the proper way to repair minor cracks and holes in walls using spackle. Unfortunately, when they attempt to paint over the new patch, the results often do not match. Over time, old paint will slightly tarnish due to dust and aging. Fresh paint tends to stand out even if it is the same color. Fortunately, you can promote an even, consistent finish by employing what professional painters call the feathering technique.


1. Wait a minimum of three hours for the new patch to dry. Smooth the patch using fine, 300-grit sandpaper.

2. Remove dust from the patch by wiping it with a sticky tack cloth. Don't skip this step, or you may have problems with paint adhesion.

3. Stir the can of touch-up paint for two full minutes, using a wooden stir stick. Fill a 1-gallon painter's pot with no more than 1/4 gallon of paint.

4. Dip a 2- or 3-inch latex paintbrush into the painter's pot and saturate the tip with touch-up paint. Apply paint to the patch.

5. Eliminate excess paint from the brush by stroking it against a strip of clean cardboard. Continue until little to no paint comes off the brush onto the cardboard.

6. Use the dry brush to feather the paint. Lightly press the paintbrush bristles against the outer edge of the new, wet paint and brush outward toward the old, dry paint. Continue until you perceive a smooth transition between the new and old paint.

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