Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Make Nonslip Fresh paint

Non-slip paint can be applied to outdoor decks and patios.

Non-slip surfaces are an essential safety feature for patios, decks, outdoor walkways and numerous other surfaces. The easiest way to make non-slip paint is to mix grit additive into the paint color of your choice. While pre-made non-slip paint is available, the purchased version is thicker, grittier and less user friendly. Making your own non-slip paint is a good alternative to buying pre-mixed. You will introduce only one ingredient into the paint, and the product will be easier to apply than purchased non-slip paint.


1. Choose your grit additive. You can find grit additive at most home improvement stores. The type of grit you select depends on where you want to apply the non-slip paint. A fine grit is best suited for areas where you walk barefoot, such as an outdoor patio or a bathroom. Coarse grits are suitable for places where you would be unlikely to walk barefoot, such as an outdoor concrete walkway.

2. Open your paint can and pour it into the bucket. This will prevent overflow once you mix in the grit additive.

3. Measure one pint of grit for every one gallon of paint you use. You can increase the amount to one quart of grit per gallon, depending on how you want the surface to feet underfoot. More grit will result in a rougher surface.

4. Mix in the grit additive. Stir using the wooden dowel until the grit is thoroughly mixed.

5. Paint the surface immediately, or pour the grit and paint mixture into airtight containers if you plan to paint later. Mix the grit and paint mixture occasionally as you paint to prevent the grit from settling into the bottom of the bucket.

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