Monday, March 17, 2014

Spray Fresh paint A Series Link Fence

Painting a chain link fence isn't a common project, but it's possible. Say your chain link fence is run down or maybe you want it to blend in better and wish it was green. No problem--just paint it!


Use a Paint Sprayer

1. Lay down a drop cloth. A plastic or cloth one will do fine to protect your grass, house or garden.

2. Put another canvas drop cloth on the ground on the opposite side of the fence. This will catch the extra paint that you spray.

3. Buy a primer that will adhere to metal. Painting metal is difficult because it doesn't stick well. Make sure the can says it will adhere to the surface.

4. Fill the paint sprayer with the primer. Use a consistent motion to apply it to the chain link fence.

5. Allow the primer to dry thoroughly. Apply the paint in the same manner.

Use a Can of Spray Paint

6. Buy a few cans of spray paint that adhere to metal. Choose a color that goes well with your property. If you want it to blend in, try dark green.

7. Lay down the drop clothes on each side of the fence. They will protect your grass and garden.

8. Shake the can well. Hold it upright and spray the chain link fence, starting at the bottom.

9. Make sure to use smooth strokes and cover each piece of the fence.

10. All the fence to dry thoroughly. If it looks patchy, apply another coat.

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