Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fresh paint Your Homes Roof Whitened

Paint Your Roof White

Painting roofs white has become a popular idea among the green movement because a white roof reflects light and heat, reducing energy bills by keeping the inside of the house cool during the warm months. United States Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu says that painting roofs white can even help combat global warming by reflecting solar energy back into space. Painting a roof can be difficult as each different roofing material will need a specific paint type, and a project such as this may be costly if mistakes happen.


1. Clean the roof using a power washer and a cleaning solution made of 16 ounces of bleach and 1 gallon of water. Remove dirt and mildew with a solution soak rack or scrub brush.

2. Repair cracks and other damage by removing old caulk and applying new caulk. Roughen smooth or glossy surfaces with sand paper.

3. Pour the white roof paint primer into a roller tray, then dip a roller into the tray and apply the primer to the roof. Use a nylon or polyester paintbrush to apply where the roller cannot reach. Buy a primer that is sold with the roof paint being used, and apply at least one coat of primer or follow the application instructions on the paint can.

4. Apply the white paint to the roof the same way the primer was applied in step 3.

5. Add a second coat of paint once the first is dry. Drying time will depend mostly on the humidity and weather, and varies between products. Read the labels on the primer and paint cans to get an idea how much time will be needed between coats.

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