Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pour Acrylic Fresh paint

Acrylic paint comes in dozens of colors and hues.

Use the "pouring paint" technique to create a picture. By combining pouring paint and movement, you can make an abstract picture. Acrylic paints have a somewhat thick texture, although there's some variation between brands. Adding water to the paint helps it pour smoother and move across the canvas. You can make a painting just using this technique, or you can paint a background and then use the pouring technique on top of it. Be creative and use as many colors as you want.


1. Open the lid of a container of acrylic paint. Pour 4 tablespoons of paint into an empty container. Add 1/8 teaspoon of water and stir.

2. Tilt the container over a canvas. Slowly pour the paint. You can pour it all in one spot or spread it around. Repeat for each color you want to use.

3. Lift up the canvas straight up and then slowly tilt it at a slight angle. Rotate the canvas while holding it at an angle to spread the paint around. Tilt it back and forth. Hold the canvas in each position for at least five seconds to give the paint time to run.

4. Place the canvas on a flat surface to dry.

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