Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fresh paint A Stucco Foundation

Don't use a polyester brush on a stucco foundation.

Many consider bare cement foundations to be an eyesore. A stucco aggregate adds texture to smooth cement, providing a more appealing appearance. A painted finish can make stucco foundations blend in well with the rest of a home. Unfortunately, many amateurs find stucco painting tedious and challenging, because the raised textures promote skip marks and runs. Encourage even coverage by painting the stucco in the correct manner. Prepare the aggregate with a particular primer made for use with masonry, or flaking may result.



1. Wash the stucco foundation, using a pressure washer. Many undervalue the importance of the cleaning process. If you skip this step, adhesion problems will follow.

2. Allow your foundation to dry for approximately 5 hours.

3. Protect portions of the home directly above the foundation, using low-tack painter's tape. Position drop cloths below the stucco.


4. Coat a 4-foot-wide section of the stucco foundation with masonry primer applied with a roller. Use a vertical rolling motion, moving to your right. Stop and pick up your nylon brush, then run the brush vertically over the wet masonry primer, effectively working it into tight holes and gaps and eliminating excessive runs. Let the masonry primer dry for 2 hours.

5. Wash the masonry primer from your tools with running water.

6. Paint the stucco foundation just as you primed it.

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