Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Install Stucco Over Brick

Stucco Wall

Stucco is an exterior finish material made from limestone, sand, and water. It is both affordable and versatile, and can be installed over almost any surface. By installing stucco over brick, you can hide old, decaying bricks from sight, greatly improving the look of your home at the same time. This is a fairly easy project for the DIY homeowner, and can be completed over the course of a weekend.


1. Apply a concrete bonding agent to the brick using a paintbrush. This will help the stucco stick to the wall. Allow the bonding agent to dry for 60 minutes before proceeding to the next step.

2. Mix your stucco in a wheelbarrow or bucket, depending on the quantity you will need. Simply add water to bagged stucco mix per the manufacturer's recommendations. Add water slowly so you don't accidentally use too much.

3. Use a trowel to apply a 1/4" layer of stucco to the wall. After 30 minutes, scratch the surface of the stucco lightly with a plasterer's rake. This is called a "scratch coat," and helps create a stable, long-lasting finish.

4. Wait 24 hours for the scratch coat to dry, then apply a second coat. Change the angle and pressure on your trowel to create texture, and try to make this layer around 1/4" deep as well.

5. Allow the surface to dry. If temperatures or humidity levels are high, spray with the stucco lightly with water every few hours so that it dries slowly. This keeps it from getting too dry and cracking or flaking.

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