Thursday, December 5, 2013

Spray Acrylic Enamel Fresh paint

Acrylic enamel-based paint is the paint of choice when dealing with objects that spend a lot of time outside, as well as the main paint choice for cars. However, acrylic paints are some of the most difficult paints to use due to their tendency to harden quickly and leave drips. But once applied properly, the paint will last wherever you spray it.


1. Pour the acrylic enamel paint into the siphon gun's paint cup, making sure to seal it into the gun itself.

2. Put on the respirator mask and turn on the compressor. Fire the gun at a testing area of your choice, such as excess lumber or metal.

3. Adjust the spray nozzle so you get a spray about 6 inches wide. If the paint comes out in chunks, add enamel reducer to thin it.

4. Place the gun 6 inches away from the area to paint, then spray the area you want to paint in a horizontal motion, then in a vertical motion. Allow two hours for the paint to dry.

5. Sand off any excess drips with fine sandpaper. If necessary, repeat Steps 4 and 5 up to three times. Do not sand again after the final spraying.

6. Polish the sprayed area with wax or a polishing compound.

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