Monday, January 27, 2014

Get Acrylic Fresh paint From Colored Cotton

Distinguished for its water solubility, rapid drying and versatility, acrylic paint is favored by artists, teachers and commercial painters. During acrylic paint application, paint splatters and spills can inevitably transfer onto clothing. Acrylic paint binds to fabric and dries, creating unsightly stains. Although acrylic paint is best removed when wet, dried paint is removable if treated within several hours. You can get wet and dried acrylic paint out of colored cotton garments using slightly different techniques.


Wet Acrylic Paint

1. Scrape the wet paint off the fabric using a disposable spoon.

2. Turn the fabric inside out. Rinse the back of the stained fabric under warm water to dissolve as much paint residue as possible.

3. Combine 1 tsp. of warm water and 1 tsp. of liquid dishwashing soap together in a bowl. Mix the sudsy solution well.

4. Turn the fabric back so that the paint stain is showing. Douse a rag in the sudsy water and dab the stain. Rinse the rag repeatedly under running water to prevent transferring paint onto the fabric again. Lift as much paint from the fabric as possible.

5. Rinse the fabric under warm water.

6. Examine the fabric for lingering paint. If the paint remains, moisten a fresh rag with acetone-based nail polish remover. Dab the stain with the acetone-dampened rag until no further paint remains.

7. Rinse the fabric under warm water until all soap suds and nail polish remover are flushed out completely.

8. Lay the fabric flat and allow it to air-dry.

Dried Acrylic Paint

9. Scrape the dried paint off the fabric using a dull knife. Brush off any loose, crusty paint fragments.

10. Pour 1 tsp. of warm water and 1 tsp. of liquid dishwashing soap into a bowl. Combine the soapy solution well.

11. Drench a rag in the sudsy water and blot the stain. Soften the dried paint as much as possible.

12. Scrape off the softened paint using the dull knife. Remove as much paint as possible.

13. Examine the fabric for lingering paint. If the paint remains, moisten a fresh rag with acetone-based nail polish remover. Dab the stain with the acetone-dampened rag until no further paint remains.

14. Rinse the fabric under warm water until all soap suds and nail polish remover are thoroughly flushed out.

15. Lay the fabric flat and allow it to air-dry.

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