Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clean An Oil Painting

Take antique paintings to a professional for cleaning.

Other than a light dusting, antique oil paintings and paintings of value should never be cleaned by an amateur. Contact a professional to clean and restore them. If you have newer paintings or paintings of lesser value, you can do some cleaning yourself.


1. Gently dust the painting with a soft brush to remove light dust and pet hair. Oil paintings accumulate dust, soot and other airborne particles. With time they can start to look dull.

2. Remove light soot from a fireplace or burning candles with a piece of white bread. Fold it over and gently blot the painting. You should see the dirt and grime on the bread. Cover one small area before going on to the next until the entire painting has been cleaned. You may need to use several pieces of bread if the painting is large or very dirty. Brush the entire painting with a soft brush to remove any bread crumbs.

3. Purchase painting cleaners and restorers at an art supply store. Work on a protected surface and wear rubber gloves. Follow the directions on the containers. Be careful to not put too much pressure on the canvas or you could stretch it. Older paintings may have a layer of varnish that yellows or starts to craze or flake. Never use water on a painting as it can get under the paint and cause adhesion failure. If the painting is not sentimental or valuable, and you want to attempt to clean it yourself, you can.

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