Friday, October 11, 2013

Choose Brick For The New House

Brick homes are tough but also very attractive.

Brick homes are built to last for generations. Homes made with masonry techniques stand up well against wear, wind and natural weather conditions. Because brick lasts for such a long time, you'll want to take time and special care when choosing exactly what type of brick to use. Your new home should express your personal taste and style, but it also should fit in with your environment and neighborhood. A lot of thought goes into choosing brick for a new home.


1. Tour your new neighborhood. Your home, including its style and the brick you choose, should fit in well with surrounding homes. Do not select something that will create an unattractive contrast with the homes on either side of you.

2. Study the existing landscape on your property. Bright pink trees and flowers may not highlight your orange brick as well as you had hoped. Choose colors and styles that will blend and contrast well with the immediate background, including your lawn.

3. Choose a brick texture. Masons will show you texture samples with varying degrees of smoothness or roughness. Shot-blasted bricks are rough and more stone-like, while smooth-face bricks will have a slicker feel. Glazed and metallic bricks will appear shiny or glossy, no matter what color you choose.

4. Pick a brick building material. The texture of brick you choose may be created through several materials. Natural clay is fired in a kiln. Mortarless concrete bricks stand on their own when carefully stacked. Some companies even offer ecofriendly brick that's made to be "green."

5. Select a color. Through glazes and mixing techniques, brick can be almost any color you desire, though most choose earth tones and natural shades.

6. Choose your mortar color. Commonly, bricks are held in place with mortar. Up to 15 percent of the exterior of your home will be mortar, so choose a color that looks good with the brick you've selected. Compare the brick and mortar colors side by side.

7. Stand back. Choose brick that you love both far away and close up. Remember, people will be seeing your home from a distance.

8. Ask for pricing information. Not everyone can afford to buy everything they want. In the real world, you will want to set a specific price range and stay within your limits.

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