Friday, October 11, 2013

Polish Acrylic Enamel Fresh paint

Acrylic enamel paints are often used on metal surfaces, and many automobile paints are acrylic enamels. These paints dry to a hard and shiny finish although they may develop air bubbles or dull uneven spots just like any other paint. You can polish the paint by buffing it with sandpaper to remove any minor imperfections which may have occurred during painting and shine the surface of the paint.


1. Fill a bucket with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Stir the water to mix the soap and create a few bubbles.

2. Dip a piece of 1200-grit wet/dry sandpaper into the bucket to get the sandpaper wet.

3. Sand the dry enamel paint with the wet sandpaper to smooth out any bumps and shine the finish. Wipe the paint with a dry rag when you are done sanding.

4. Repeat sanding with the wet sandpaper if you see dull or rough spots remaining in the paint's finish. Wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth or chamois to avoid scratching the freshly polished surface.

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