Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Remove Paintball Fresh paint From Stucco

If you have teenagers in your neighborhood, you might find yourself having to clean paintball stains from your house. This can be especially difficult if you have a house covered in stucco, which has a texture that makes it difficult to wipe or brush clean. You'll have to use a pressure washer with water to remove the paintball paint. If you don't own a pressure washer, you can rent one from a hardware or home improvement store.


1. Open the pressure washer, fill the tank with water, and close the lid.

2. Turn on the pressure washer, and adjust it to the lowest pressure possible.

3. Point the water stream at the paintball paint stain. This will gradually weaken the paint's hold on the stucco and will eventually remove it. If it does not, carefully turn up the pressure. Do not raise the pressure above 1500 psi (pounds per square inch), because this might crack the stucco.

4. Continue spraying the paintball paint until you have removed all the stain.

5. Let the stucco air-dry.

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